Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating Spring 2010

 01 640 251 01   65135       Nanda Vidit                                          
         ENROLL=   31       RESP=  15 (48%)     STRONGLY                    STRONGLY  # OF     MEAN    MEAN  MEAN   MEAN       
                                                DISAGREE        NEUTRAL       AGREE     NO      OF      OF    OF     OF      
PART A: UNIVERSITY-WIDE QUESTIONS:                   1      2      3      4     5   RESPONSES SECTION COURSE DEPT   LEVEL   

  1. The instructor was prepared for class and     
     presented the material in an organized manner   0      0      1      2    12       0      4.73    4.39  4.20   4.25
  2. The instructor responded effectively to       
     student comments and questions                  0      0      1      2    12       0      4.73    4.36  4.06   4.17
  3. The instructor generated interest in the      
     course material                                 0      0      2      2    11       0      4.60    4.17  3.91   3.94
  4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward 
     assisting all students in understanding       
     course material                                 0      0      0      3    12       0      4.80    4.47  4.21   4.28
  5. The instructor assigned grades fairly           0      1      1      1    11       1      4.57    4.17  4.10   4.11
  6. The instructional methods encouraged student  
     learning                                        0      0      3      0    12       0      4.60    4.12  3.81   3.88
  7. I learned a great deal in this course           0      1      2      1    11       0      4.47    4.17  3.83   3.98
  8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject  
     matter and wanted to take this course           1      1      0      2    11       0      4.40    3.90  3.33   3.79
  9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the      
     instructor as                                   0      0      2      1    12       0      4.67    4.14  3.86   3.96
 10. I rate the overall quality of the course as     0      1      2      2    10       0      4.40    4.06  3.75   3.90

What do you like best about this course?:

the instructor. He spends a lot of his time making sure students understand the material. I sometime wonder how he has time to get his own work done with the amount of time he spends on the sakai chatroom answering questions.

Vidit was very helpful

Good teacher

Supplemented the lectures.

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

More yelling


Not sure if I would.

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

Shown me that work is proportional to success


Gave great guidance on workshops. Worked on textbook problems and helped explain them step-by-step.

Other comments or suggestions::

Vidit always seems like he wants to leave class more than we do, which is a little alarming. Otherwise, he is helpful and makes class interesting.


Professor Greenfield should give Vidit a retro-active grade change from a B to an A.

Vidit was an excellent teacher. He was able to answer all questions asked of him and kept the class interesting all the time, even for a class that met at 8:40am.